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About Me

· 3 min read
Denizhan Toprak

In 2019 I started studying Computer Engineering in Marmara University Turkey. Since than I am interested in game development, business management in software companies and serverless computing systems. I love discovering new ideas and new techs.

Marmara Game Development (OGK) Club Chairman

After I started Marmara University I found myself discovering different diciplines. I was already interesed in game developement but there were no organization relavent to that. That was the couse how Marmara Game Development student club had founded.

The club had several activity ideas: Making game jams regularly, planning "how to" and beginner lessons in tools which are used in game development, workshops, talks etc. And also finding sponsors for these activites. Club had just founded so I had participated in all of these processes. There were always problems with these organizations: lack of communication, not being experienced with new activities.

Intern In Retter Business Services (RBS)

My University had a mandatory internship program. So I had to find a suitible software company. I had a friend who was working with Retter at that time. I was really suprised with their tech. And I decided to apply to Retter's internship program. I can say that, I feel really lucky to find such a good team at that time.

Business Management was my first stop. Usually I was trying to learn what each job title do and how do they communicate with each other. After that I could started to open tasks to developers and join meetings with our customers with my seniors. In the beginning of this intern I remember, I was nervous while communicating with our developers. Software companies and their "language" was new for me. But I got used to it and liked it as time passes.

Junior Developer at Retter Business Services (RBS)

After completing my intern at RBS, I continued there. I was working part-time beacuse of my on going University education. I was given very different tasks with each other. I believe this process helped my adaptation and time management skills to develop. In Retter; I was tester, made test automation with cypress , wrote javascript backend and documentation.

Solo Game Development

Since 2020 I develop my own game called Hermod's Ride. It has complex systems inside it, and visually stylized. This duality makes a perfect enviroment in my opinion: clear and on point visuals and easy to learn but hard to master game systems. With this goal in mind I keep my solo Game development with the engine of choice Unreal Engine 5.