📄️ About Ability Queue System
📄️ Queueable Abilites
This ability type -Queueable Ability- is a child of Gameplay Ability*. They have a few extra variables and functions that we are going to mention.
🗃️ Queue Sets
2 items
📄️ Inputing Queueable Abilities
There are 3 functions that you can use to interact with the Queueable Abilities. PressInputTaggedAbility (Simulates the PressInputID), ReleaseInputTaggedAbility(Simulates the ReleaseInputID) and CancelInputTaggedAbility(Just cancels the tagged ability if it is active).
📄️ Effects Per Phase
This section just another bonus of using Phase system. You can define which and when a Gameplay Effect will be applied and when to remove it. It is pretty straightforward but very powerful.