Blueprint Function Library Helper
This class will help you to Debug, Edit, Get Information about the given inventory.
While you are customizing your inventory system, creating a new UI or equipment system; there are many helpful functions to use in here.
All of the Functions
Function Name | Parameters | Return | Description |
GetDebugStringFromInventory | const FString& TitleOfInventory, const FInventory& InputInventory | FString | Returns a debug string for the given inventory. |
GetRandomItemStaticDataFromSettings | FGameplayTag ItemTag, bool bUseExactTagMatch, const TArray<UItemStaticData*>& ItemStaticDataArray | UItemStaticData* | Returns a random item static data from the settings array that matches the given tag. |
GetInventoryFromTemplateInventory | const FTemplateInventory& TemplateInventory, UInventoryManagerComponent* InvManagerComp | FInventory | Creates an inventory from the template inventory. |
CoordsToIndex | FIntPoint Point, FIntPoint GridSize | int32 | Returns the index of the given point in the grid. |
IndexToCoords | int Index, FIntPoint GridSize | FIntPoint | Returns the coordinates of the given index in the grid. |
GetIndicesInRect | int StartIndex, FIntPoint TargetRectSize, FIntPoint ContainerGridSize | TArray<int32> | Returns the indices of the rectangle in the grid. |
CanRectangleFitInContainer | int StartIndex, FIntPoint TargetRectToFit, FIntPoint ContainerGridSize | bool | Checks if the given rectangle can fit in the container grid. |
GetInventoryGridSize | const FInventory& Inventory | FIntPoint | Returns the size of the inventory grid. |
GetProjectedIndicesFromCoords | int32 StartIndex, FIntPoint HoveringItemGridSize, FIntPoint ContainerGridSize | TArray<int32> | Returns the projected indices of the hovering item in the container grid. |
GetNumberOfItemsWillBeLeftAfterDrag | const FSlotAddressWithSystem& SourceSlotAddress, ETargetTransactionType TransactionType | int32 | Returns the number of items that will be left after a drag operation. |
GetNumberOfItemsWillBeDragged | const FSlotAddressWithSystem& SourceSlotAddress, ETargetTransactionType TransactionType | int32 | Returns the number of items that will be dragged. |
GetParentGameplayTags | FGameplayTag GameplayTag | TArray<FGameplayTag> | Returns the parent tags of the given tag. |
GetSectionsAvailableForItemData | const FInventory& Inventory, const FItemStaticInfo& ItemStaticData | TArray<int32> | Returns the indexes of the sections that can hold the given item static data. |
DoesHaveAnySlot | UInventorySystem* InventorySystem | bool | Checks if the inventory has any slots. |
GetInventorySection | const FInventory& Inventory, int32 SectionIndex | FInventorySection | Returns the inventory section that matches the given index. |
GetInventorySlotFromAddress | const FSlotAddressWithSystem& SlotAddress | FInventorySlot | Returns the inventory slot that matches the given address. |
GetItemsInSlot | const FSlotAddressWithSystem& SlotAddress | TArray<UInventoryItem*> | Returns the items in the slot that matches the given address. |
GetInventoryAddressOfItem | const FInventory& Inventory, const UInventoryItem* Item | FSlotAddress | Returns the address of the item if the given inventory item is in the inventory system. |
GetAllItemsInInventory | const FInventory& Inventory, bool bIncludeNestedItems | TArray<UInventoryItem*> | Returns all the items that are in the inventory system. |
CreateInventoryItemFromStaticData | UItemStaticData* ItemStaticData, UPayloadTemplate* ItemPayloadTemplateOverride, UInventoryManagerComponent* InvManagerComp | UInventoryItem* | Creates a new inventory item from the given static data and payload template override. |